Saturday, January 8, 2011

Lexi's first Chance-tragedy

Christmas Morning, Lexi and Chance cuddling on her new bean bag.  
 Chance is content to be anywhere Lexi is! =)
He also likes to snuggle by Zac, however his favorite thing to do with Zac is "play!"

So for Christmas, Lexi wanted nothing except for American Girl Doll Bitty twins (or accessories.)  Okay, maybe she asked for an art set also, but that was only after she thought she might not get what she really wanted!  She does love drawing, but she loves her babies even more.  Yes, that includes her adorable little Chance!
Two days ago, she was playing with her twins (Grandma came through on her wish list, thank goodness for Grandma!)  She had asked me to keep Chance out of her room because he was trying to chew on their hair.  So I did.  We shut the door and let Lexi and Zac play for some time with their babies.  Lexi put her babies to bed (in her bed) and then was distracted with eating and chores and such.  Not too long after this, I heard a blood curdling cry from my sweet Lexi.  She sounded very distraught, not just the usual frustrations she gets sometimes with Zac, but a very sad, or hurt cry.  I rushed to see what was the matter, she collapsed in my arms.  She was so torn between being mad at her favorite friend, Chance, and being sad for her new favorite toy, her bitty baby.  I could tell immediately she did not need to be reminded to keep her favorite things locked up or put up high.  She was beating herself up enough for her mistakes.  She was devastated.  Luckily, American girl dolls have their own hospitals and we will be sending her little Emma there soon to have surgery on her hands that were chewed up by Chance.  Although it took her an hour or so to forgive Chance, she did, and it was precious how she told him she still loves him.  It was so weird, but he really seemed genuinely sorrowful and apologetic for ruining her doll.  They have definitely got a very special bond.