Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Loving Texas!

So, we just moved from Utah to Texas. Everyone told us we are crazy, but we think it is awesome! Last week we finally found the time to take chance to meet some other IG's in the area. He loved it! We have taken him to the dog park near our home a few times. These dog parks are no joke here. They have them everywhere! They are set up with fencing all around and a section divided off for small vs. large breed dogs. They have shady areas, water for the people, and water for the dogs. Places for the people to sit, and plenty of room for the dogs to run and play.  Usually there are other small breed mutts at the park, but Chance would rather stay by me than run and play with them. This time we found an IG group who does regular play dates at a dog park just 15 minutes from our home. It is amazing how Chance automatically knows his own breed and does not hesitate to jump right in with all the others. They ran and played for about an hour, all 15 of them! He was like a little kid, occasionally coming back to make sure I was still there, then running off again to play. I did not know what we were missing in Utah, but this is pretty awesome! I am going to love having a set time for play dates with Chance and his buddies! All around, he is loving the warmer weather. Soon he will have a permanent friend to play with, and it will be fun to show her off to all of his friends. We can't wait for our little Dreamer to come out here!

This picture was taken after 1 hour of all the IG's running and playing. You can see they are all getting tired and hot. It was 9:00 am when we got there, cool and breezy. By the time we left it was getting quite hot and muggy. Even I was perspiring and all I was doing was sitting around, talking and watching Chance have fun! I was on a high the rest of the day just from watching him with his new friends. I Can't wait for next Saturday!

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